Santa Fe Family Service has been helping families in Santa Fe for many years. Santa Fe Family Service exists to assist families with partial rent, utility payments and miscellaneous emergencies. Clients can receive this help once in a 12-month period. Their service area includes families living within the Santa Fe ISD area. The mission of Santa Fe Family Service is to assist families with emergency needs such as utility, gas, or rent to make referrals to other agencies and to encourage clients to become self-sufficient. If a client is in need of groceries and/or clothing they are referred to H.I.S. Ministries. Likewise, clients who register at H.I.S. Ministries are referred to Santa Fe Family Service. Also we would like to introduce you to the new director Letisha Barton. She is hoping to assist more families then ever before Funded by United Way Galv Co Mainland (1991) & HIS Ministries (1974), Local community & Partners For more information cotact them at: (409) 927-4133 [email protected]
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