Stop the Court Fighting Using Kids as Pawns and destroying their lives! Save the Kids! Parents should NOT fight, bicker, go bankrupt, commit suicide, clog the legal system, and use their children as pawns or property like collateral damage to rip apart as the parents try to go to court to take time with children from another parent. More importantly it devastates our kids not to see their parents equally as courts usually just give one parent standard possession which is only 4 days a month with the child. The NEW Standard should be Kids get EQUAL time with FIT parents Pass the Equal Shared Parenting Laws NOW! Stop the destruction of our kids! Children NEED BOTH PARENTS EQUALLY. Equal Shared Parenting laws will help children see both of their Fathers and Mothers in their lives equally as long as both parents are fit, willing, and able. Although this help children see mothers more equally too, there is no question that Fathers Especially get alienated from their children by the laws of the family court system. Fathers rights should be upheld. Fatherlessness it is the GREATEST THREAT we face and has done the MOST damage. Statistics prove that most suicides, most school dropouts, most criminal activity, most drug use are from fatherless homes CLICK HERE for shocking FATHERLESS STATISTICS Find your TX Rep & TX Senator BELOW - Call & Email them NOW ask them PASS EQUAL PARENTINGCLICK HERE to find your Texas State Representative and Texas State Senator then click on their name to get their contact info and contact them now! Texas is ground zero this year to pass Equal 50/50 Parenting laws! unequal Parenting and keeping kids from both of their parents is one of the last major injustices in America. In a time of great division, both Democrats and Republicans are coming together to sign on to passing an equal parenting bill in Texas in the 2021 Legislative Session! Equal Justice Task Force4094054006 [email protected] Clink on the picture below for more information