Regardless of whether you’re doing this for your spouse or another family member, it’s important to leave clear instructions on how you want your funeral and final financial matters handled. Since some of these issues can directly impact your heirs and beneficiaries, it’s best to meet with your lawyer so that every important topic is carefully addressed.
Prior to meeting with your Houston estate planning attorney, please gather together and review all the documents related to the topics referenced below. Once you arrive at your legal appointment, you and your lawyer can then discuss each of these topics in greater detail. The suggestions shared below are mainly based on ABA (American Bar Association) materials and a few online resources. Addressing these financial matters can lessen your spouse’s (or executor’s) burdens
Additional instructions (recommended by the American Bar Association) The ABA suggests keeping a copy of your letter of final instructions with your Will and giving a copy of it to your lawyer. Be sure to ask your attorney to provide a copy of this letter to your surviving spouse (or other family members) immediately upon your death – in case they have lost their copy.
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