This is for Mom on Mother's Day. For whatever legitimate, yet, unfortunate reasons and unhealthy environmental circumstances that contributed to my long journey of being lost in the world, and despite being unaware at a very young age, of why it all was at it was. It was I who had chosen to remain a victim as I grew older and older. That is until one day that God saw fit to show mercy on me and gave me an opportunity to get on a more rightful path. And I still walk it and have far to go. By Kingdom Come. But it was my Mom that God chose for me, that had allowed me to be safe through her prayers. For decades I had been in every harmful and illegal, activity imaginable while sewing all my wild oats. Yet I never have had a criminal record. Nope, none. How can this be? Because my Mom instilled in me and my brothers the importance of common courtesy and respect. Yes Sir, No Mam, Thank you. So when I got in trouble, (which was often) the officers that had me in the back of the patrol car would take a look at me and perhaps think to themselves, "This kid doesn't seem so bad, he just needs some direction". But what they said to me was more like this, "Son you get your $%# outta here right now ya hear me? And if I catch you round here again, I'll throw your lil chubby butt where there ain't no sunlight! Get it? Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir! Have A Good Day Sir! Thank You!.............gone! BTW? Thank You, Judge Nelson! (whew) So this recent award was presented to me by our very own Hitchcock Chamber of Commerce in Galveston County and wouldn't have been possible without you Mom. It may have taken 46 years (58 in May) but the last 12 years have been filled with the God-given Grace of spiritual maturity that has made me the spiritual warrior that I am today. God has a plan for everyone, in their own time, for a long as there is time left. God loves a sinner most I think. Cuz they make the best testimonials! Woo Hoo! You are looking at a person who formally engaged in drug addiction, emotional self-destruction, and self-loathing who was absolutely spiritually lost. I do not brag or boast about my achievements or toot my own horn. Oh, Wait! TOOT! Damn right. Ya know how hard it is these days to be positive and productive? Of course, you do. Daily challenges where we all want to throw in the towel at times? So I want to inspire, empower and encourage everyone to see themselves as God sees his children. That's Us! You and me. And we are far from perfect! But we are, however, Perfectly-Imperfect! Yep Human. And I am honored, privileged, and so very, very blessed to be a part of the solutions instead of the problems in a global community of multi-millions of recovering addicts of many different kinds of addictions. And they have unimaginable horror stories from the past and incredible victory stories of today! From hopeless rejects of society to productive members of society. Never reject what appears to be a loser. Especially without judging ourselves first. Or how about not judging at all? They may be the next testimony of "Saved By Grace". That's my Mom and Dad! How Friggen Blessed Am I? When so many are suffering right now, feel as if they have no one at all. But we have each other. We are never alone. But it's a choice. Thank you, to all my friends and family who overlooked, my hypo-mania, and loved and supported me for exactly who I am. As God made me, and you.
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AuthorHowdy there. My Name is Clay Burton. I was born in Galveston County, Tx in 1963 and have lived in Hitchcock Tx. for at least 40 years now. but only the past year or so I have become a very active volunteer in local community services here in Hitchcock. Categories |