Vote Ange Mertens for League City Position 7I am running for city council because I love League City and the people that live here.
During this anniversary week of Hurricane Harvey, I am reminded that it was this devastating disaster that started my interest in City Council. I saw our city turn into a force of giving, an amazing city of helping and caring, of neighbor helping neighbor, and a city of action and I want to keep that spirit alive. I was a core member of starting the Distribution Center in League City and we helped provide basic necessities for about a thousand people a day. I helped tear out the damage from houses and helped in the rebuilding. I participated in the Clear Creek Clean-up and the Dickinson Bayou Clean-Up because the hurricane and just general public dumping were causing a limited flow in certain areas of the waterways and needed clearing, and sometimes you just have to get your hands dirty and get to work. I already attended some city council meetings as a concerned citizen that likes to stay informed but began attending more city council meetings, budget meetings, flood seminars, and workshops. I wanted to make sure to educate myself about the city and how it runs and how problems are addressed short-term and long-term. I went to seminars to understand flood mitigation and what we are doing in our city, and in surrounding cities and counties that affect our city's flooding. I learned how very long it takes to get things done and would like to see some of that bureaucracy cut out to get things moving more quickly, but am a true believer in planning things out thoroughly and doing it right not just quick! I am the only candidate that has worked on city boards and I currently sit on The Parks Board and the Executive Board of the Patrons of the Parks and Arts Foundation. I have a long history of community service and volunteerism because I am good at finding a need and assimilating the information about what needs to be done to remedy the immediate problems and what needs to be done long term to rectify the problems. But most of all I am good at helping PEOPLE, by talking to them and finding out exactly their needs and what they want and getting that done. I know that People want to be heard and have a say about what is going on in their community and I want to be their voice, your voice in City Council. I want to talk to you personally and hear your concerns and see what direction you want to go on current issues. The current Council has been doing a great job trying to turn around the infrastructure, traffic, and flooding issues from a town that almost tripled in size in 20 years. The old streets and elevations were not prepared for that kind of growth, so understandably the east side of League City is having some growing pains that are being addressed. But the west side of League City is still experiencing new growth and we can plan for that during the construction phases of these new subdivisions and not add to the traffic or flooding problems. We can Plan Ahead! We have over a hundred acres of dedicated park space and funds for the west side that I would like to see used for some new and wonderful projects that include our citizens of ALL ages. I have witnessed the bravery of our Police and Fire Departments fist hand and support them wholeheartedly. I agree with the way the council has been able to cut the effective tax rate year after year, but never at the cost of Public Safety! People say that they think I am too nice and wonder if I can stand up during the tough times on Council. To that I say Underestimate Me, that will be fun! You can be kind and still disagree. Maybe that comes from I don't think I am always right and I can still listen to all sides of an issue and come up with my own opinion. If it's not my idea it can still be a good idea, but believe me, if it is the Right Idea for the People of League City I will stand my ground. I hate to use the word I will Fight for you because the Council has had too much of that in the past, so I will say I WILL STAND STRONG FOR WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE CITIZENS OF LEAGUE CITY. I have 3 beautiful daughters and am about to gain another one when I get married, and I am Gigi to 2 amazing grandsons and have a girl on the way!!!!! Family is everything to me and I want the best of everything for them including the best city to raise their families. League City is also family to me and I want to pass down the rich history, and preserve the beautiful Oak trees that line Main Street that gives our city such charm, I support the Art initiative that wants to beautify our city with beautiful murals, statues and art installations in our parks. But I also want us to move into the future with our eye on the best technology to help our city run more smoothly, like the new light synchronization that will help the traffic flow more smoothly. You don't have to lose our rich history to become a city of the future. I am a proven product of service to this community for 21 years. Don't vote for someone you Hope will be able to SERVE, vote for someone you know will SERVE, Don't vote for someone you who only knows how to Fight, vote for someone who can LISTEN and STAND STRONG. Don't just vote for me or against me because I am a Woman, Vote for me because I AM THE RIGHT WOMAN. Don't vote for someone who can talk about what they want to do for the city and the people of League City, Vote for me BECAUSE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Please let me know how I can earn your vote, or just contact me to get to know me better so I can get to know you! email me [email protected] #AngeMertens #VOTE4ANGE
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